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Longterm Relief From Hairy Problem

Longterm Relief From Hairy Problem

Hirusutism is a condition that affects many women in the UK, causing thick, dark hair to grow on the face and other areas. There are various treatments available, including laser hair removal.

Excessive hair growth is a problem for millions of women across the UK, causing embarrassment and affecting their quality of life.

NHS figures reveal that three in 20 pre-menopausal women suffer from the condition, known as hirsutism, which causes thick, dark hair to grow on the face, chest or lower back.

Most commonly, the upper lip and chin are affected and the number of sufferers increases after the menopause with up to 75% of women struggling to cope with increased facial hair as a result of hormonal changes.

Hirsutism is caused by an excess amount of male sex hormones, or an increased sensitivity to them, and in most cases this is caused by polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that causes cysts in the ovaries and a number of other symptoms.

There are a number of hair-removal methods that may be effective such as bleaching, electrolysis, shaving or waxing. If these do not adequately control the condition, a contraceptive pill can be taken by women who have not yet started the menopause.

As the life cycle of hair is around six months, treatments can take this long to be effective so it’s important to start as soon as possible.

Thousands of women looking for effective treatments which offer long lasting results are turning to laser hair removal.

Lucy Sharratt, Laser Hair Removal Specialist at The Harley Medical Group, says: “For many women excessive hair growth on the face and body can be a very embarrassing and upsetting condition.

“Many patients tell us they spend hours a week tweezing, plucking and waxing facial hair, in a bid to keep the condition under control. This is hugely time-consuming and can impact greatly on their daily lives.

“We’re seeing more women approach us who feel confident to talk about the condition, and seek treatments which can help.”

Laser hair removal works by a focused light penetrating the epidermis of the skin and targeting the underlying hair. The hair’s pigment absorbs the light and is destroyed, leaving the skin with a smooth appearance. For facial treatment, such as upper lip and chin, the treatment takes approximately 15 minutes and a minimum course of eight sessions is recommended.

Hormonal changes associated with the condition can mean that some of the dormant hair cells can become activated following a course of treatments, so it’s essential to have maintenance treatments. However the hairs which do grow back are much finer and become easier to manage.

One of The Harley Medical Group’s patients, Jennifer Goody, has struggled with the effects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome for five years since being diagnosed at the age of 23.

She says: “I noticed excess hair on my upper lip and chin for about a year and went to the doctor as I was worried. When I was first diagnosed, I used hair removal cream and would spend hours every week checking my face in the mirror.

“I’ve had four laser hair treatments so far and I’m already noticing much less hair growing; I feel so much more confident, and no longer have to spend hours worrying about my appearance.”

The Harley Medical Group has over 15 years experience in Laser Hair Removal and has performed over 250,000 treatments to date. With 31 clinics nationwide, and a team of specialist nurses, 85% of its bookings for Laser Hair Removal treatments are for women. The group is also currently at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Government continues to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatments so that patients are protected from rogue practitioners.

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